Monday, 21 March 2016


There are two kinds of laws
  1. laws of nature 
  2. laws of right
The laws of nature are simply there, and are valid as they are. They cannot be gainsaid, although in certain cases they may be transgressed. In order to know laws of nature, we must get to work to ascertain them for they are true, and only our ideas of them can be false.

Laws of right are established and handed down by men. The inner voice must necessarily collide or agree with them. Man cannot be limited to what is presented to him, but maintains that he has the standard of right within himself.

based on the article that has been write by Ahmad Fadzly Esa,on saturday, 20 FEBRUARY 2016@ 7:32PM that is 'Malaysia perlu ada dasar pelarian Rohingya - Syed Hamid' ,Humanities Malaysia president Tan Sri Dr Syed Hamid Albar suggested the government to establish a specific policy on Roghinya refugees in malaysia. 

"For example, Maung Tun Khin, better known as Abdul Ghafar, Rohingya refugees currently residing in UK and has received citizenship there. I was worried because many children Roghinya here exposed to syndicate begging, crime or drug mules," he said.
so that, a government should establish a policy to avoid the Roghinya refugees being exposed to syndicate begging, crime or drug mules,

for more info about the article, you may click this :

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


HAKAM adalah singkatan kepada hak asasi manusia.

  • Hak asasi manusia adalah hak-hak yang wujud untuk semua manusia, tanpa mengira bangsa, jantina, etnik, bahasa, agama, atau apa-apa taraf lain.

  • hak asasi manusia termasuk hak untuk hidup dan kebebasan dari perhambaan dan penyeksaan, kebebasan untuk bersuara dan memberi pendapat, hak untuk bekerja dan pendidikan, dan banyak lagi.
"Setiap orang adalah berhak kepada hak-hak ini, tanpa diskriminasi"
Image result for everyone is equal