Sunday, 3 April 2016


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Secular Humanism is an ethical philosophy that emphasizes a world view based upon naturalism: the belief that the physical world or nature is all that exists or is real. 
  • Religion
Secular Humanists typically describe themselves as atheists (without a belief in a god or very skeptical of the possibility) or agnostics (without knowledge of a god and uncertain of the possibility).
  • Evolution
The universe is self-existing and has not been created. Mankind is a part of nature and has emerged as a result of continuous, natural evolutionary forces.
  • Morality / Ethics
Secular Humanists, being free from supernaturalism, recognize that the values human beings hold are rooted in their human experiences and in their culture.
  • Sexual Expression
Secular Humanists do not hold the many varieties of sexual expression as evil. They do not seek to limit, by law or social mores sexual behavior between consenting adults. They encourage intimate, sensitive, and respectful, honest interpersonal relationships.
  • One World
Secular Humanists deplore the division of mankind on the basis of nationalistic borders. Society has reached the turning point in human history in which the best option is to work toward a world community with a common system of law organized by a trans-national federal government.
  • Education
Secular Humanists encourage moral awareness, the capacity for free choice, and an understanding of the consequences of choices. Education is the essential method of building humane, free and democratic societies. 

as shown above, there is an issue that Tim Wildmon Says Secular Humanism And Progressivism Are SatanicLast year, American Family Association president Tim Wildmon spoke at a right-wing conference called "messages for a rebellious nation" where he declared that secular humanism and progressivism are satanic."Fundamentally, at its core, secular humanism, if that's what you want to call it — politically, it's called progressivism — but it's the idea that man is God," he said, "began to become front and center in our culture and it took the place ... of the Judeo-Christian worldview. The Judeo-Christian values system that our country was built on is being replaced by secular humanism, which is of Satan."

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